Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Calculator

The Faction

All players start at neutral with the Thorium Brotherhood. Thorium Point has a number of quests that can be completed for reputation, but this page is a tool for calculating the cheapest way to purchase reputation on your server.

Character Info

What is your current reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood?

Tell the calculator how much these materials will cost you to get!

All prices are in gold. A silver is .01g and a copper is .0001g

Neutral to Friendly

Head to Thorium Point in Searing Gorge.

You may repeatedly turn in the 'Restoring Fiery Flux Supples' quests from Master Smith Burninate. You choose between:

Each turn-in additionally requires 2 Incendosaur Scales and 1 Coal.

Each turn-in will give you 25 reputation.

Remember that Coal can be purchased from vendors, and that while Master Smith Burninate does sell Coal at full price, you can buy it 10% off from a faction you are already honored with. If you are currently Rank 3 or higher in PvP, you will receive an additional 10% off from your capital cities.

Item Number Required Cost Per Unit (g) Cost Per Turn-In
Iron Bar 4
Kingsblood 4
Heavy Leather 10
Incendosaur Scale 2
Coal 1

Friendly to Honored

Head to Thorium Point in Searing Gorge.

Master Smith Burninate offers the repeatable quest Gaining Acceptance.

4 Dark Iron Residue can be turned in for 25 reputation.

Item Number Required Cost Per Unit (g) Cost Per Turn-In
Dark Iron Residue 4

Honored to Exalted

Head to the Grim Guzzler in Blackrock Depths. Blackrock Depths can be found in the base of Blackrock Mountain.

You may repeatedly turn in the 'Favor Amongst the Brotherhood' quests from Lokhtos Darkbargainer.

Since the different quests reward different amounts of reputation, the final column of this table will give you a normalized view of how much it costs to buy reputation via each turn-in.

Item Number Required Rep Per Turn-In Cost Per Unit (g) Cost Per 50 Rep
Dark Iron Ore 10 50
Core Leather 2 150
Fiery Core 1 200
Lava Core 1 200
Blood of the Mountain 1 200

You will need to make turn-ins to hit Revered. That will take to get your reputation. At per turn-in, that should cost .

You also need to make turn-ins to hit Exalted. That will take to get your reputation. At per turn-in, that should cost .

More Information

Learn more about the Thorium Brotherhood at Wowhead's Thorium Brotherhood Reputation Guide.

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